Your Daily Trump Dump

I've decided that until Donald Trump leaves office — and maybe even after — I will feature one story each day about what he's doing to The World, America, The Rule of Law, The Dignity of the Executive Branch and himself. He, of course, is concerned only with the last of these. I've decided to also post one bit of bad news for him for that day. I'm fairly confident there will always be one. So here's today's…

Today's Bad News for Donald Trump
A Federal Judge has tossed outta court, Trump's suit claiming that he doesn't have to hand over eight years of his tax returns to an investigation in the state of New York.

Today's Outrage by Donald Trump
Trump and his Giuliani-grade legal team are trying a ridiculous argument: That it's unconstitutional to investigate the affairs of the President of the United States because he can't be punished except by impeachment. So not only would he be above the law but so would anyone who committed crimes in his service.

Today's "Trump is a Monster" Post

Donald Trump Jr. claims to be outraged that Hunter Biden may have profited from being related to someone in the White House. This is a little like Jeff Bezos saying it's wrong to make money online. Russ Choma lists some of the conflicts of interest of the Trump clan.

Today's "Trump is a Monster" Post

In the fifteen minutes a day I allow myself to talk and/or think about Trump, I had this thought: You know how furious and incoherent he's been this last week? Well for the rest of his days in office and a long time after, he will never be less furious or more coherent. That's just the nature of this guy and I doubt many of his supporters would even praise him for any ability to be calm and rational when under attack. The Ukraine matter will only go away or recede into the background if/when it is displaced by a bigger scandal and an even more impeachment-worthy crime.

Here's Frank Rich on Trump's increasingly-worse skills at Crisis Management.

Today's "Trump is a Monster" Post

Apparently, the pending/possible impeachment is not just the major issue on Donald Trump's mind, it's the only thing in the world that matters. Fred Kaplan takes us through some of the worldwide crisis situations that our small-p president is ignoring.

Today's "Trump is a Monster" Post

I've decided to reinstate this daily feature and I'll keep it until the day the man leaves office…and maybe even a while after that. I'll post it during the fifteen minutes a day I'm allowing myself to think about the guy in the White House.

Today's installment is this article by George T. Conway, an attorney who was once a stalwart "Everything Republicans Do Is Good, Everything Democrats Do Is Bad" advocate. What changed that? Trump did. Mr. Conway is the hubby of Kellyanne Conway, who is still an advocate of the "E.R.D.I.G.E.D.D.I.B." philosophy. Things must be a lot of fun at their house.

The piece explains George's belief that Donald J. Trump is unfit for public office just because of who he is and how he is incapable of certain things we want in a President like honesty, being in touch with reality, and caring about something other than himself. I am a bit uncomfy with Mr. Conway's belief that "Any intelligent person who watches Trump closely on television, and pays careful attention to his words on Twitter and in the press, should be able to tell you as much about his behavior as a mental-health professional could" but most of what the article says is tough to deny. Which is not to say Trump supporters wouldn't.

Anyway, there's a lot of interesting stuff in there about what the Founding Fathers intended for the Presidency and you'll learn a lot about narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder. Here's that link again.

Your Monday Afternoon Trump Dump

I haven't done one of these for a while…but why not? It looks like it's not going to be a very good week for Donald Trump. Oh, he'll score a point or two but he's going to spend this week — and probably the rest of his time in office — tweeting in hysterics about plots against him and Fake News and how he is absolutely perfect and everyone against him is lying, treasonous pondscum who hates him and America — in that order of importance. Here's some reading…

I have a pet peeve about people who vow they're going to pass a Constitutional Amendment and then drop the matter two days later. This is the case with about 999.99999999% of all promises to pass a Constitutional Amendment. In the same vein are accusations of Treason, usually by someone who thinks the definition of Treason is "doing anything I don't like." Dylan Matthews reminds us what Treason actually means.

Kevin Drum lays out the facts in the accusation of Biden wrongdoing in the Ukraine. So far, there's absolutely no case against either Joe or his son, and I suspect Trump and his minions know that. But you know, if you're Donald Trump and someone is running against you, you have to accuse them of tons of vile corruption if only so yours won't look so awful. Drum also reminds us how so many Republicans earnestly believe a lot of bad shit about Democrats.

Jonathan Chait explains why Lindsey Graham's defense of Trump is a pretty darned weak one, no matter how fervently he makes it.

Conservative columnist Rod Dreher thinks that "Trump's paranoia, à la Nixon, is going to destroy him."  I think that's happening right this minute. Maybe the ghost of Barry Goldwater will go to the White House and tell Donald it's time to get out.

And there are a lot of Conservative pundits and politicians who are acknowledging Trump probably committed impeachable offenses but who also think that impeaching him will hurt the country more than not impeaching him. Daniel Larison takes on one of them and explains why that's wrong.

Like I said, not a very good week to be Donald Trump. Or someone who has to go out and explain why every single criticism of him is a lie. Kellyanne Conway's on one of the cable channels right now trying to convince everyone in America and good luck with that, Kellyanne. You can't even convince everyone in your marriage.

Trumpian Turncoat

Joe Walsh, a right-wing talk-radio host and former Tea Party congressman, has announced he's challenging Donald Trump for the Republican nomination. I gather he doesn't think he has a chance of winning but it's kinda nice to see someone who can't be dismissed as a "libtard" saying that Trump is a child, Trump is a disaster, Trump is destroying the economy, Trump lies every time he opens his mouth, etc. The problem is that Joe Walsh has long had all those qualities apart from the ones that require presidential power.

I've seen three or four interviews with him and he keeps saying he needs to look back on his old tweets and statements and "own" them. In the parlance of today, I take that to mean you have to admit you made them and to say you wish you hadn't…and that's about it. You don't have to, for example, retract them or apologize to those who may have been harmed. You certainly don't have to admit that you engaged in the kind of thing that you now call blatant lies when Donald Trump says them.

There has long been money to be made by bashing Trump. It's why people put out anti-Trump shirts, tell anti-Trump jokes on talk shows, publish anti-Trump books, etc. I'm not saying those efforts aren't also sincere and political and totally protected by any reasonable definition of Free Speech. It's just that when there's dough to be made off those t-shirts and such, they're more likely to be sold. In the past though, the market for them was people who never liked Trump, never voted for him, never had any respect for the guy.

While I may doubt Mr. Walsh's sincerity, what I think we're seeing now is people trying to get in on the expected bandwagon of former Trump-supporters who are looking likely to abandon him. It may not be most of his backers but it may be enough that there will be advantages to getting in on the ground floor. Anthony Scaramucci has now apparently figured out there's no place for him in the pro-Trump world, whereas he gets welcomed on talk shows and gets book deals by turning on Donald. Joe Walsh wouldn't be on all those interview shows if he was still solidly behind Trump.

His conversion may be genuine but it may also be because he's anticipating a growing trend in talk radio and punditry, which are really the only things he does these days. I hope for his sake and the country's, it will turn out to be a wise business decision. Because I suspect that's all it is.

Today's Trump Post

As noted here, Donald Trump cannot understand why there's this poll out from Fox News that shows him losing to Biden, Sanders, Warren and even Harris. He said, "I don't know what's happening with Fox."

It's fascinating that among the possibilities that apparently didn't occur to him was that the Fox News pollsters conducted a poll by the same methods they've always used and the poll yielded those results. He seems to have assumed that since Fox has been generally favorable to him, they would rig their poll to show him clobbering the other candidates…or at least should suppress the results of a poll that showed him losing.

This may tell us a lot about the way this man views politics. The news is just a tool to manipulate public opinion and it's dishonest if it doesn't do that in service of Trump. If and when he runs a news network or newspaper, that's how it would work.

And if/when on Election Night 2020, Fox News reports that Donald Trump lost, he'll be able to understand why CBS, NBC, ABC and all the newspapers he hates would say such a thing…

…but why, oh why would Fox?

Today's Trump Embarrassment

Someone or something apparently told Donald Trump that his record on the environment might cost him a state or two. He's now out talking about how great he's been in that area where, of course, he hasn't been great or even not-terrible. His credo has been to never do anything that would interfere with any company making as much money as possible, no matter what air gets polluted, what stream has toxic matter dumped into it, what lower-paid employee gets ill from working the mines, what it does to our climate, etc. I find it hard to believe that will ever change except maybe in token ways for show.

So as Rebecca Leber describes, he and his minions are out there with lists of his accomplishments in this area. They're pretty short lists and not particularly accurate ones.

Today's Trump Embarrassment

There are a lot to choose from but I think I'll take his leap from "I never colluded" to "I'll collude in the future if I get the chance!" Fred Kaplan has the details on this one.

Today's Trump Embarrassment

He complained and complained that our NATO allies needed to spend more on defense weaponry…and now they're doing it and Trump's mad. Why? Because the whole idea was to get them to spend more with U.S. weapons makers and instead, they're buying from within their own countries. Fred Kaplan has more.

One Other Thing About Trump Jokes…

…and then I'll stop thinking about the guy for the weekend. He makes it tough, though. At times, I get the feeling some aide tells him, "Mr. President, our monitoring says that Mark Evanier is not thinking about you" and he goes "We can't have that" and he quickly thinks of something to say that will piss me off and he calls an impromptu news conference to say it.

I don't subscribe to his Twitter feed and I even have him blocked, just in case he decides to assert some Executive Privilege to address Americans who don't want to read his silly ramblings. But I just know that after he sends each tweet, he tells that aide, "Make sure someone Evanier reads quotes that."

And every so often, everyone who does Trump jokes — even me — gets a message in some form from someone who says, "Hey, could you lay off those lame attempts at political humor?" Often, those communiques sound like desperate pleas from someone who voted for Trump, still craves some of what he promised to do to/for this country and doesn't want to be reminded that he or she helped put such a horrible human in the White House to further that agenda.

But the interesting thing to me about Trump jokes is that most of them aren't political jokes. They're jokes about his hair, about his girth, about his manners, about his obsession with self-praise, about his rudeness towards anyone who doesn't kiss Trump butt, etc. We were making jokes about all those aspects of him before he was even remotely a candidate for political office…back when he was a staunch pro-choice Democrat. (Since 1987, he has changed his party affiliation five times.)

Most political jokes — about Trump or anyone — are not about the person's politics. Most of the ones about Bill Clinton were about his marital fidelity and lack thereof. Most of the ones about George W. Bush were about his mangling of the English language and him doing things like choking on a pretzel. 90% of the jokes about Joe Biden seem to be about his handsiness or other social faux pas.

You could take an old fat joke about Orson Welles or Kate Smith or Dom DeLuise or someone and switch it to Chris Christie — and people do. That does not make it a political joke. Even jokes about an official's hypocrisy — saying one thing and doing another — you could argue are not really political.

Of course, if you really wanna see Trump get Term #2, I suppose you could look at any joke at the expense of Donald J. and think it's a political joke because it may diminish someone's opinion of the guy and cost him votes. In that case, you shouldn't get mad at the people who make the jokes. You should get mad at your candidate for personal behavior that makes it so easy and irresistible to make the jokes.

Today's Donald Trump Embarrassment

This is from the website Vox

President Donald Trump spent most of Thursday in Normandy, France, to commemorate the 75th anniversary of D-Day and honor the Americans who fought and died to liberate France from Nazi occupation in World War II. But he didn't let the solemnity of the occasion stop him from talking trash about his political enemies.

Sitting just a few feet away from the thousands of white grave markers at the Normandy American Cemetery, where more than 9,000 American war dead are buried, Trump gave an interview to Fox News's Laura Ingraham in which he insulted former special counsel Robert Mueller and said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — or "Nervous Nancy," as he called her — is "a disaster."

But of course. Donald Trump is always more important than anyone or anything else. He talks about his own greatness and perfection, and he maligns those who dispute or deny that greatness and perfection…and that's about it. Once in a while, it's subtext in a statement ostensibly about something else but it would never occur to Trump to talk about those who had died in service to America except maybe as small talk before proclaiming his own greatness and perfection.

Someday when he's out of office — and yes, I still believe that will happen in our lifetimes — every single person in or around the Trump Administration will write a book about what it was like in there. They will all be negative about him and filled with scandalous revelations because, first of all, that's how you sell a book. And secondly, all those folks will want to distance themselves from his crimes and cruelty and they'll profess, "Of course I knew what a maniac he was but instead of calling me an accomplice, you should thank me for hanging in there and stopping some of his crazier demands from being done."

I will be (that is to say, I am) curious as to how the guy with the Hindenburg Ego dealt with all the TV shows — news and comedy — that call him a liar and a fool and a crook, etc. We know he watches Fox News the way some people watch porn but does he ever catch more than thirty seconds of Colbert or Seth Meyers or SNL or Jon Oliver? And if so, how does he react not just to the jokes but to the way those shows get great tune-in and happy audiences by presuming their audiences hate Trump? He attacks them for attacking him but does he get that audiences are laughing because they agree?

Today's Trump Embarrassment

Ah, what would Memorial Day be without Trump using the occasion to talk only minimally about Those Who Served and primarily about the greatness of his own administration? Because no matter what it's about, it's only really about Trump.

And few will be surprised that he claimed credit for things the Obama administration did to better the lot of veterans. I can't wait to hear how it was Trump who commanded the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

Jon Voight thinks Trump is a better president than Abraham Lincoln. He probably also thinks Donald freed the slaves.

A Brief Wednesday Trump Dump

Five quick links for your clicking pleasure…

  • William Saletan discusses how most Trump supporters will believe any damned thing Trump says, even if it's contradicted by Fox News, other Republican officials, people in his own administration or existing documents. There's something going on there besides simple enthusiasm for a politician.
  • Fred Kaplan points out that while Trump claims to be doing the best job ever at having our military be ready for anything, he's taking his own sweet time about finding a Secretary of Defense. Given how much TV Trump watches, he'll probably end up selecting Gomer Pyle.
  • Up to 580,000 contractors could be missing out on back pay because of the last government shutdown. What is it with Trump and not paying contractors?
  • Daniel Larison says the Trump administration is handling the Iran situation about as well as they handle anything. They make it worse and insist they're wildly succeeding.
  • The National Debt has hit $22 trillion dollars. This is a horrible, destructive sign of government incompetence and negligence. Unless, of course, your party is responsible for the latest peak, in which case it's no big deal.