It's a Small, Small, Small, Small World

As half of all the Internet Users in the world have now informed me, my favorite movie is legitimately available to be watched for free — albeit interrupted for advertising — on YouTube. Okay, so it's only been twelve people so far who've written but if I don't post this to say I know about it, it will eventually be half of all Internet Users.

I am not embedding it here because I think that's an awful way to experience — especially for the first time — It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. Like I said, it's my favorite movie but really only when you watch it the right way…on a big screen as part of a packed, appreciative audience. And it should not be interrupted except for the one intermission during which you can step into the lobby…or whatever is your hobby. (I have never understood that line in the song, by the way. I think they're saying that if you don't want to step into the lobby during the intermission, you can remain in your seat and collect stamps or do some gardening.)

I usually manage to see it the right way every year or so. Seems like it'll be quite a while before any local theater shows it again. It may be quite a while before any local theater shows anything again. Even then, I don't see myself going to any theaters — even sitting six-feet apart with everyone properly masked — for a long time. I shall wait rather than view it in way-less-than-ideal conditions.

If you absolutely have to watch it on YouTube, here's a link but please don't use it. Or if you do use it, please don't judge the film by seeing it all by yourself on your cellphone. That's not how it's supposed to be seen. That's really not how any movie is supposed to be seen, especially one that expects you to laugh throughout.

Today's Video Link

Randy Rainbow is back with another one. In case you don't recognize the song he's parodying, it's "Pure Unfortunate Souls" from The Little Mermaid

Comic-Con at Home

As you may know, the 2020 Comic-Con International won't be happening in San Diego. It'll be taking place on your computer or cellphone. There will be a badge you can print out and wear if that will make the event seem more real to you. Maybe you can find some security person in a t-shirt who thinks they're a policeman and will try to stop you from accessing your laptop if you aren't wearing it.

There will be a souvenir book which you can read online and download as a PDF. It contains a big article by me noting the 50th anniversary of Jack Kirby's Fourth World comics and I also wrote way too many obituary pieces. There will be dealers and exhibitors although they'll be online. If you can find some way to wait in a long line to use your iPhone, get jostled around by strangers in Harley Quinn costumes and pay way too much for a tiny hotel room, it could feel almost indistinguishable from being at the real thing.

And there will, of course, be panels. All or most of them have been recorded in advance. Yes, I will be hosting a Jack Kirby Tribute Panel. It features me, John Morrow (publisher of The Jack Kirby Collector) and artist Alex Ross. And yes, I will be hosting a Cartoon Voices Panel. It features Laraine Newman, Dee Bradley Baker, Misty Lee and Bill Farmer. And I'll be on a few other panels which I'll tell you about later.

Though I'm kidding here about replicating the less-than-wonderful aspects of the Comic-Con Experience, I'm really glad we'll have a Comic-Con Experience…or at least as much of one as can be simulated online. Some of the panels sound wonderful and you'll be able to get into every one you want to see — no "I'm sorry, the room is full" and no conflicts with several panels you want to view taking place at the same time. The souvenir book looks great. There will be plenty of exhibitors.

And best of all, it's all free with no one turned away. More details can be found here. Some Comic-Con is a whole lot better than none.

me online

This Tuesday evening, I will be having a Conversation with the fine writer, Peter David. We'll be talking about mutual interests, mutual friends, mutual funds and all sorts of other mutual things. If you want to listen in as two writers discuss writing, this is the place for you. That's this coming Tuesday, July 7, at 7 PM Pacific Time, live on YouTube. There'll be a video feed on this site or you can watch over at

Then next Saturday, I'll be doing another one of my Cartoon Voices Panels, this time with Michael Bell, Debi Derryberry, Neil Kaplan, Nickie Bryar and Neil Ross. That's July 11 at 4 PM Pacific Time. Again, there'll be a video feed on this site or you can watch over at

Looking farther into the future than is absolutely necessary: On Tuesday, July 14, there will be a one-on-one Conversation — guest to be announced shortly. Then two days later — on Thursday, July 16 — we'll be doing a live online panel with the four folks who bring you Groo the Wanderer — Sergio Aragonés, Stan Sakai, Tom Luth and me. Groo has sunk 377 ships, four comic book companies and several careers. We'll see if he can sink the entire Internet.

And we have a few more fun things coming up after that if there's still a world wide web on which to webcast…

Today's Video Link

Here's the tribute to Carl Reiner that ran this morning on CBS Sunday Morning. All that stuff about him being full of joy and light is true…

Dispatches From the Fortress – Day 116

I started writing one of these yesterday about the wearing of masks. I was about three paragraphs into it when I stopped and asked myself, as I often do when I'm a few paragraphs into things, "Why am I writing this?" If you like this site enough to be reading this, you probably agree with me how ridiculous it is that anyone would not wear a mask in public and especially that they'd gather together in maskless social events. No point in telling you what you already know.

This will be a very bad week for Donald Trump. Why do I say that? Because every week lately has been a very bad week for Donald Trump. It might feature a Supreme Court decision or some catastrophic polling numbers or some former associate (one of those "best people" he hired who is now a lying idiot) turning on him or someone close to him testing positive for COVID-19 or some news story about illegal dealings…but there'll be something.

I continue to try and minimize the amount of attention I pay to all this. It's not easy.

Otis B. Driftwood Meets Max Bialystock

Wednesday evening, Turner Classic Movies is running A Night at the Opera followed by The Producers — at 9 PM and 10:45 respectively on my cable provider. Apart from being two very funny, held-in-great-esteem comedies, what do these two films have in common?

Well, for a brief time, similar plots. One of the early drafts of A Night at the Opera involved Groucho trying to work a scam because he would find a new but terrible opera, sell 50,000% of the show to investors (including Margaret Dumont) and then get away with it when the show flopped immediately and folder…which it would do because he hired Harpo as the lead male tenor. Irving Thalberg vetoed this storyline…

…which was based on the same Broadway legend as The Producers. It was, you are no doubt aware, about a guy who shares a zillion percent of a guaranteed-to-close-in-one-night flop.

I dunno if anyone at TCM knows of this and matched up those films for that reason or some other. But I thought it was worth a mention and maybe a setting of the TiVo. Or you could just run your DVDs of those movies back to back since you probably own them both.

The Definitive Rant

I have a problem with words being rendered meaningless due to overuse and misuse…"legend," to name one. These days, absolutely everyone is a legend and absolutely everything is legendary…and we completely ignore the aspect of the word that a "legend" may be a myth or gross exaggeration. Furthermore, everyone these days is an icon and everything is iconic. Earlier this morning, I fed the legendary stray cat in my legendary backyard some iconic canned cat food.

I don't know where this zeal comes from. It's probably the same place that gave us standing ovations for every single guest on most talk shows when they had live audiences.

Which brings us to "definitive," which has now become just another synonym for "great." Over at the Merriam-Webster website, they have this to say…

Some common synonyms of definitive are conclusive, decisive, and determinative. While all these words mean "bringing to an end," definitive applies to what is put forth as final and permanent.

I keep seeing people use that adjective as if it means "excellent." I can't find it again but a few weeks ago on some comic book website, I saw a guy refer to a dozen or so different bodies of work on Batman as all being "definitive." As the line goes in The Princess Bride, "I do not think that word means what you think it means."

That new, wonderful Laurel & Hardy DVD (this one) is advertised as having "the definitive restorations" of the films on it. When I said I had a "teensy-tiny microscopic quibble" with the set, that's what I meant. I think that's the wrong word. Yeah, it's highly unlikely better film elements will ever turn up but technology keeps accomplishing things that we thought were impossible a decade or two ago.

If not — if these are the best versions of these films that ever exist — I'll be satisfied. They look and sound so much better than earlier releases we thought were good enough. I hope nothing I said discourages anyone from buying this set.

Today's Video Link

This is worth ten and a half minutes of your time. It's the amazing impressionist Jim Meskimen reading the Declaration of Independence in 61 different voices including his own…

Today's Bonus Video Link

It's been ten years since I last posted this sketch from Your Show of Shows. It might just be the funniest thing Carl Reiner was ever involved in — and he was involved in an awful lot of funny things…

Still More About Carl

George Shapiro, Carl Reiner's manager and nephew, talks about Carl's last day. If you gotta go, that's the way to go. (Thanks to Birthday Girl Shelly Goldstein for alerting me to this.)

Today's Video Link

I found this on the fine blog of my pal Paul Harris. It's a CNN report on what it's like these days in a couple of San Antonio hospitals that are being maxed-out by COVID patients — in particular, young COVID patients. It'll make you want to show this to everyone who thinks the virus is a hoax or that it's no worse than the average flu or that it only affects old people who were about to die anyway so "What's the big fuss and why can't I go to my favorite bar?"

Or it might make you want to go slap the crap out of some of those people. Donald Trump and the folks who obediently parrot his positions say the virus is going away and any day now, it will just disappear. They need to be reminded that every single thing Trump and his minions have said about this plague has been absolutely and dangerously wrong.

More on Carl Reiner

My spies tell me that today, Dick Van Dyke recorded — from his home, of course — a special intro to run on tomorrow night's airing of two colorized episodes of The Dick Van Dyke Show. The two episodes they selected — "Coast-to-Coast Big Mouth" and "October Eve" are exactly the ones I would have picked if you asked me to pick two that showed what a fine comic actor Carl Reiner was.

It doesn't really bother me that they're colorized. I mean, they were perfectly fine in black-n-white but if the gimmick of colorization gets a few more eyeballs tuning in — especially a few more younger eyeballs — then I'm fine with it. It does bother me that someone has had to chop a few minutes out of each of them. And I hope someone fixes the mistake they made in the end credits the last time they aired "Coast-to-Coast Big Mouth" colorized…

Richard Deacon did not play a dual role in that episode. The role of Johnny Patrick was played by Dick Curtis.

Speaking of multiple roles: I mentioned earlier that in addition to his role as Alan Brady and as the painter in "October Eve," Mr. Reiner also played the budding English anti-existentialist Yale Sampson in "I'm No Henry Walden." Nobody has written to point this out but I should have mentioned that he also played that drunken actor Willie Cook in Part II of "Stacey Petrie"…

Actually, Carl played a lot of roles on that series if you count off-camera parts like voices heard on a TV set that the Petries were watching. His stint as Alan Brady started that way. Brady's voice, furnished by Carl, was first heard in "The Meershatz Pipe," which was the tenth episode of the series to be aired. Later on, Alan Brady became an on-camera part but his face was concealed. Again, Carl played the role.

And they finally decided to let him be seen…a good decision since "Coast-to-Coast Big Mouth," which is the episode most folks think was the best, wouldn't have worked if you couldn't see his face and especially his scalp.

From the Twitterverse…

A woman who claims to work as a nurse in an emergency room — and I can't imagine why anyone would lie about this — posted this tweet

I've been sitting in my car in the hospital parking lot for 20 min trying to process everything that I just experienced these last 13 hours, trying to muster up the energy to drive home. 6 years in the ER & I've never seen a night like last night. Please take this seriously…

That's chilling. I don't know where she works. It could anywhere in this country. But an E.R. nurse sees some pretty horrifying things in the line of duty. At 4 AM one morning when my mother was in the E.R. and we were waiting for lab results, I had a ten-minute talk with a nurse there. You could have built five seasons of a medical drama show just on the stories she told me.

One was about some children who that morning had come in, badly burned from a gas explosion in their homes. I said something about how that must have been terrible to deal with. And she said something like, "The ones that are really hard to deal with emotionally are the ones that could have been prevented."