Set the TiVo!

The Emmy Awards are tonight…another ceremony to which I think people attach way too much importance. I especially get dismayed when folks act like voting for "Best Performance" is some sort of exact science; like it's a crime against nature if the "right" guy doesn't win. When we vote for president or senator or congressperson, it's a much more refined procedure involving a far greater sampling of opinions…and, half the time (most of us would agree), the wrong guy comes out on top. I don't know why anyone expects the Emmy Awards — selected as they are by small panels of anonymous judges — to yield a higher degree of "right" choices. I especially love the after-the-fact, easy explanations for what a group of disparate strangers were trying to say.

I'll be watching for Conan O'Brien who is apparently good enough to host but not good enough to get nominated. But I'll bet you he'll be good…and I'll bet you that, next year, his show gets a nomination.