Trivial Matters of Vital Concern

Seems like all the prominent Republicans and right-wing newspapers are giving up on Bill Simon, G.O.P. candidate for governor.  This will mean four more years of Gray Davis…a fact I blame wholly on Simon.  If Davis were running unopposed, he'd lose.

Does Bush need Congressional approval before he declares war on Iraq?  Again, from a practical standpoint, no one may be able to stop him, law or no law.  But to the extent the law matters, it's explained well (I think) by John Dean and here's the link to see him explain it.

Happy birthday week to my friend of 30-some-odd years, Master Cartoonist Scott Shaw!  You can see his fine handiwork in recent Simpsons comic books, and read his daily explorations of bizarre funnybooks over at his page at Comic Book Resources.  Merry week and many more!

I am embarrassed to be informed by (so far) Kevin Greenlee, Jim Hill, Mark Mayerson and Michael Goldberg that the "Bye Bye Baby" number in the Evian commercial is originally from the show Gentleman Prefer Blondes.  Why am I embarrassed?  Because, as noted here, I saw this show performed about six months ago.  Well, I knew I knew it from somewhere.  Jim thinks the choral arrangement in the commercial is a direct lift from the movie with Marilyn Monroe, which I don't seem to have in my collection.