Let's Play Oddball!

Every day, Monday through Friday, I make a point of visiting Comic Book Resources, a fine website that covers the funnybook biz.  There, you'll find some fine columnists, including Steven Grant and "Gail," and you'll also find the daily column of my long-time pal, Scott Shaw!  It's called Oddball Comics and it's an outgrowth of a slide show Scott has been presenting for years at conventions, always to capacity (and delighted) audiences.  In the show and on the site, Scott presents some of the weirder comic books ever published — the kind that makes you wonder what, if anything, the editors were thinking that day.  And no comics were ever odder than the ones that appeared on the comic called Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane.  This week, Scott presents five thoroughly-bizarre Lois Lane covers, including the two above.  Rush to Scott's website by clicking here and enjoy his witty, informative commentary on this cover and others.