More on Gene Moss


Obituary for Gene Moss in the L.A. Times.  Here's the link to it.  And David M. Lynch writes to remind me that I omitted a very important credit from the man's résumé…

During the onset of the British invasion, there was a top-40 parody of the Beatles' "I Want to Hold Your Hand," entitled "I Want to Bite Your Hand."  It came from an RCA album called "Dracula's Greatest Hits."  Said album featured several drawings (front and back cover, and a set of "monster cards" enclosed within the jacket) by the great Jack Davis.  Every song on the LP was "sung" by a guy named Gene Moss, doing a Bela Lugosi impression.  This LP was one of my cherished childhood possessions, and one of the first things I began looking for when I first started visiting eBay.

Thanks, David.  I also forgot (because this, I didn't know) that Moss was the voice of Smokey the Bear for commercials.  He was an amazing talent.