Interesting article in The Observer (a British paper) asking why the American press is just now noticing some of George W. Bush's shady business past. I still don't think Bush will get or lose a second term based on this kind of thing…but I do think that we're in for an avalanche of scandals and charges of financial impropriety. Eventually, the notion that Bush screwed over countless people to make his fortune will be as much a "fact" as the notion that Clinton screwed countless women. I also think some of the president's men will soon be vacating the premises. Here's the link to the article.
And hey, could James Traficant be making a bigger jerk of himself? There's something oddly fascinating about a man who seems to get up every morning and ask himself, "Hmm…there may still be one or two people out there with an ounce of respect for me. What can I do today to disabuse them of that idea?" We call this The Mike Tyson Syndrome. Go, Jim!