Past My Bedtime

I didn't copy down the words but it seemed to me that Leno and Letterman duplicated at least two jokes tonight in their monologues…one about how, when they ran out of players at the All-Star Game, someone should have thawed out Ted Williams.  I forget the other.  Monday night, they both had a joke about how, when doctors performed that colonoscopy on Bush, you know that they found?  More ballots for Al Gore!

Are you all getting these spam e-mails from some guy who has millions of dollars which he's trying to get out of some oppressed country?  The precise country varies from e-mail to e-mail but, in each, the premise is that I have somehow been selected to aid them and I will receive a tidy percentage of the fortune if only I will allow them to transfer it into my bank account here as a means of conveyance.  Yeah, sure, of course.  Does anyone ever fall for these things?  I mean, I assume they send out a million of these messages and would be very happy to get a positive response from a tenth of one percent…but do they even get that?  (In some, I am asked to call an overseas phone number which, if I understand the scam correctly, is the equivalent of a "976" phone line where you're charged by the minute, only this one charges hundreds of dollars per minute.)  I'm just wondering if there's any rate of success at all for these things…

By the way: This site will never ask you for your password or other user information.

Comic historian extraordinaire Bob Harvey has all sorts of great articles and commentaries over on his website, which is at  But we call your attention to this one that he's just posted…a nice history of Mr. Al Capp.  If it weren't past my bedtime, I'd tell the story of the one time I met the creator of Li'l Abner.

But it is…so good night.