Couple Things…

It's comforting to know that, in the United States of America, you can't go to prison just because of what you're thinking…or can you?  In Columbus, Ohio, a man who was once convicted of pandering child pornography was recently put back behind bars on another charge of pandering obscenity.  Okay, we all agree that folks involved in making or distributing kiddy porn oughta be incarcerated — or worse.  But the new obscenity charge was not that he was dispensing his sick fantasies for the world to see.  He was merely writing something in a private journal for his own, uh, pleasure.  Can you be convicted of obscenity for writing something that no one else is supposed to see?  Apparently, now you can.  Here's a link to an AP news report on it all.

If you're interested in more info on the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon series than I have here, a fine resource is Leslie Hickman's website, The Realm.  She knows more about the show I started than I do.