The Bitter End

As you may have heard, some ugly things appear to have happened to Stan Lee in the last few years of his life. Any article about those years is likely to include terms like "elder abuse" and "swindled out of millions." There's currently a crowd-funding drive to raise the funds to complete a documentary about that part of Stan's amazing time on this planet and if you want to contribute, you shouldn't have much trouble finding more info and a place to donate.

I'm not linking to it because I honestly have no idea how accurate it is (or maybe I should say "will be") and also because, having been stiffed now by a number of crowdfunded projects, I'm not linking to any of them unless I really, really know the folks involved. In this case, I don't. And also, there's a great deal of online outrage calling the project "exploitative" and I don't know enough to have an opinion on that.

So take this all as a big "No Comment" on most of the whole situation. The last two times I saw Stan were very different from each other and I have no idea which, if either, was typical of his final years. Probably both were indicative of different times. Neither time did he seem unhappy or indentured but these were brief and in very public settings. I would draw no firm conclusions from them.

Was there sadness in his last years? Of course. Stan was very devoted to — and madly in love with — his wife of almost seventy years, Joan. She took great care of him when she could but her health was failing and she died on July 6, 2017 at the age of either 93 or 95, depending on which source you believe. Stan died sixteen months later at the age of, inarguably, 95. How could that not have been sadness there?

And then there was this: In his last decade (or so) of life, he made vast sums of cash signing his autograph and lending his name to dozens and dozens of business ventures and projects…and he reportedly wound up with very little of that money. How could that not have been sad…to say nothing of criminal? But I don't know precisely who dunnit or exactly what they dun and I'm not sure I need or even want to know. I think Stan did some very good things in his lifetime and some very not-very-good things…but — and maybe this is just me — I can't feel anything but bad about how that lifetime ended.

So this post is in response to the many who have written me to ask what really went on there. I'm sorry I can't give you a firm answer. All I know is that whatever it was, it shouldn't happen to anyone.