In addition to the Fact Check that CNN posted last night on Trump's speech to Congress, we have fact-checking the speech, Politifact fact-checking the speech, The Washington Post fact-checking the speech, The Associated Press fact-checking the speech, N.P.R. fact-checking the speech, The New York Times fact-checking the speech, The B.B.C. fact-checking the speech, NBC News fact-checking the speech, ABC News fact-checking the speech, CBS News fact-checking the speech, Steve Benen over at The Maddow Blog fact-checking the speech, The Guardian fact-checking the speech, Al Jazeera fact-checking the speech…and there are probably a few others I missed.
Interesting how much these different journalists agreed upon, how many some of them missed that others caught…and how little truth matters to low-income people who think President Trump is going to make their lives better.