I do not want to suggest even in the slightest way that it was a good thing that someone — presumably, the guy they've arrested and have a ton of evidence against including some near-confessions — gunned down that health care CEO. Awful, wrong, illegal, prosecute him to the max. But I do think it's about time that someone began talking about how much money insurance companies are making for not providing some of the services that people think they're getting when they sign up.
Many interesting articles suddenly abound. Kevin Drum has an important post about it here and another one here. This is a very important matter that has to be solved and it's comforting to know that our president-elect has some vague ideas that may at some point turn into a concept as to how to fix this kind of thing one of these days.
For the record: Being well into Medicare age, I have Medicare and it pays for almost everything I need. The few things it doesn't cover are almost all handled by my supplemental health insurance from the Writers Guild. This would be a much better world to live in if everyone had something like that.