Jack Jones, R.I.P.

Jack Jones was one of my favorite singers. I saw him perform several times in Vegas — twice as Sky Masterson in a production of Guys and Dolls that was parked for a long time at the old Desert Inn. He wasn't altogether convincing as the character when he spoke but nobody ever sung those Frank Loesser songs better. I also saw him and a decent-sized orchestra in the showroom at the Orleans and he was funny, charming and — again — there was that terrific voice.

And yes, at the Orleans he sang the theme from The Love Boat and all his many hit records. But he tackled a wide range of musical styles and told some genuinely funny anecdotes between tunes. He was really a great entertainer. There's a fine overview of his life and career over on his website.

I never met him, never got to tell him what a fan I was of his work…and the only anecdote I ever heard about him is the one about the time he was on with Ed Sullivan, who was famous for his awkward intros and clumsy gaffes.

After you performed on Ed's show, you usually went over and shook hands with him and engaged in a short bit of banter. During that banter moment at an afternoon rehearsal, Ed asked him about his father — Allan Jones, himself a popular entertainer best remembered for his roles in Marx Brothers movies. Ed asked Jack, "Wasn't Allan Jones your father?" Jack replied, "He still is."

It got a laugh from the dress rehearsal audience and the crew so Ed said, "Let's keep that in. When we do the show tonight, I'll ask you the same question and you give me the same answer." Jack said fine, sure, great.

That evening, they're on the air live to all of America. Jack finishes his spot, walks over to Ed ready to say the line and Ed asks him, "Is your father still alive?" I wish Jack Jones were. I'd sure go see him again.