Tuesday Morning

I spoke the other evening to a friend in Florida who's between hurricanes. He's not too worried for his area but pretty concerned for folks not-all-that-far from him. If you live in an area that's threatened and you're reading this, I hope it's from a safe place even if you had to evacuate to get to it.

And it's hard to think of much more beyond that at the moment but I'll try to come up with one thing…

Oh, I know. I'm getting a ridiculous number of spam calls lately from folks who claim to be calling from Walgreen's Pharmacy — a business which has no business whatsoever with me. They've never filled a prescription for me or sold me anything more medicinal than a bag of Cheetos. Nevertheless, the callers want to "update" my records with them and they have all sorts of medical-type questions they want to ask me. If I play along at all, the questions go like this…

LYING CALLER: We need to verify the name of your primary care physician. Could you let me have that please?

ME: Don't you have that in your files?

LYING CALLER: Yes but we have so many names here. Please tell me the name of your primary care physician.

ME: Read me some of those names and I'll tell you when you get to the right one.

LYING CALLER: There are too many here to read to you. Just tell me the name of your primary care physician.

ME: It's Boombatz. Dr. Vinnie Boombatz. Do you see him there on your list?

LYING CALLER: Ah, yes. There he is…

But I actually had one of these lying callers go honest on me. He told me he was calling from Walgreen's and I said, "No, you're not. You're just trying to gather information that's none of your f'ing business and you're going to ask me to name my primary care physician." And he said, "You're right. This is just a scam deal but it's the only job I could get" and he hung up. This guy would never make it in politics.