Monday Evening

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Sergio Aragonés sent me this photo which we took one evening — or at least, I guess we had a waiter take it — and then I forgot all about it but Sergio had a copy. This is a dinner with, left to right, Bob Foster, Carl Barks, me, Garé Barks (Carl's wife), Sergio and Scott Shaw!  I don't know why I look so unhappy in it.  I also don't know where all that hair I had went.

Anyway, that's another look at Bob.  This was taken in a restaurant in a golf course that was the nearest decent place to eat near where the Barkses then lived in Temecula.  It was a great evening in — I'm guessing — the late eighties.  In case anyone reading this doesn't know who Carl Barks was, he was a comic book writer/artist best known for doing great stories about Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge…and he was the creator of the latter.  A lot of folks consider him the best comic book writer/artist of all time, at least when it came to the kind of comics he did.

I have a deadline that must be met before I sleep tonight so I'll just give a quick answer to a question that I got from several folks about this post which showed you an article I wrote about the Hanna-Barbera Studio when I was nine years old. Shelly Goldstein was first of about eight folks who asked some version of "Did you write that Hanna-Barbera article for any publication (or homework) or just because you wanted to write it?"

Answer: Just because I wanted to write it. I can't think of any publisher who would have printed it and even growing up in Los Angeles, teachers never assigned homework that consisted of "Write about your favorite TV show." I was reading everything I could find out about the studio that made some of my fave programs and when something's on my mind, I often like to write about it even when there's no money. This is now known as "blogging."

I'll be back as soon as I finish my current assignment.