Reflections on Last Night

One measure of how poorly Trump did in last night's debate is how fervently he and his backers are blaming the moderators today.  With Trump, any time he doesn't get exactly what he wants, it's unfair, the game was rigged, somebody cheated, there was sabotage, everything he did was perfect.  But if you look at what the moderators did, what they did was to ask questions that anybody could have anticipated.  There was sure to be a question or two about abortion, a question or two about Ukraine, about the Southern Border, etc.  Some of them were even challenging to Harris but she was wise and prepared.  He gave stupid answers.

A concept for a plan about health care?  This has been a major issue in this country for years.  When he was running against Hillary, Donald said he had a simple, wonderful plan and he was only weeks away from unveiling it.  That's what I would have asked him about.