Saturday Morning

Today's COVID test was negative so I'm going to stop testing until there's a reason to think I might have had a new exposure.  I made it through Comic-Con without infection and my sympathies go out to those who weren't as fortunate.  My left foot's a lot better, too.

I'm also pretty happy with the political news, as well.  I'm sure there will be moments between now and 11/5/2024 when I won't be but right this minute, things seem to be going in the right direction.  It's kinda fun seeing George Conway going on every single TV show and podcast to tell the world that Donald Trump is a a narcissistic sociopath. Before long, I expect to see him saying this on Sesame Street, House of the Dragon, The Price is Right and…well, just about everything except Presumed Innocent.

Gonna spend my Saturday writing but I have some posts "in inventory" which might turn up here later today.