I have some queries about how I'm getting around while still recovering from my broken ankle. Actually, it isn't the broken ankle I'm recovering from so much as the operation that inserted a metal rod into that part of my anatomy. My foot hurts intermittently and my sense of balance, which was so bad that I've never been able to ride a bicycle, is now much worse. The convention has been nice enough to supply a wheelchair, someone to push it, and someone to aid me with my rollator. In case you don't know what that is, this is what a rollator is. In fact, that's the model I purchased.
Here's a photo from today's Quick Draw! That's me (and a packed audience you can't see) watching cartoonists Lalo Alcaraz, Scott Shaw! and Floyd Norman drawing instant silly pictures. You can enlarge the pic by clicking on it…
So I'm getting around to — so far — ten panels with four more tomorrow. I'm having one of those Gee, I'm tired/Gee, I'm enjoying this experiences.