Today's Bonus Video Link

My dear friend Beatrix (aka "Ptychka") has a new music video out — an amalgam of live-action and A.I.-generated animation. She not only stars in it but she came up with the story — somewhat inspired by Ghost in the Shell — and she wrote the song…in Japanese, no less.

It was directed by Marc-Andre Gray and Bruno Miotto and on their Vimeo page, Bruno wrote the following…

The story draws a line between reality and a dystopian future — a world where Ptychka, a hyper-realistic robot, escapes from a top-secret lab and ventures into our society. Navigating through the chaos of today's world, she embodies the struggle of all the nonconformists, mavericks, and outcasts. She faces the challenge of adapting to a system determined to suppress individuality and being forced to run away from those who want to silence the magic within her.

I know Ptychka and I know she is quite an individual…