Monday Morning

This will be a busy week for me and you all know why. Posting here will be light but there will be a lot of video links and not all of them will be of "Sit Down, You're Rockin' the Boat." I may also encore a few old posts and I'll try to check in anew when I can.

Not much to say about the new likely/presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party other than that she has impressed me about as much as any Vice-President could…which isn't much. Joe Biden did so a little as Veep but he didn't really impress me until he got the "com," as they used to say on Star Trek. I thought he was an excellent President of the United States though I can understand why someone might not if they were listening to his opponents. Sad that his exit had to happen the way it did.

Here's another link to my schedule. Several of my panels will have additional "surprise" participants…