Random Thoughts on a Tuesday

A friend of mine who was pro-Trump an election or two ago told me that Donald's popularity came from people admiring him and wishing they could be as successful as he seemed to be. One wonders what any such people think now when Trump is out admitting that he can't pay the almost-$500 million bucks he owes nor can he find anyone to loan it to him in any form. You may have money woes but I doubt you have that problem at the moment. And he sure doesn't look like a man who's happy about…well, anything.

Speaking of Trump, as I will stop doing for today after this paragraph: Some folks wrote to ask me what I thought of his "bloodbath" remarks the other day. I think I'm appalled (yet generally unsurprised) by just about all his remarks but there seems to be a debate about just what he meant. Kevin Drum thinks Trump was talking just about the auto industry. Amanda Marcotte has a different view of it. I think the guy just wants to be inflammatory and it's just a matter of which of his rantings are more inflammatory than others.

My wanderings 'round the Internet keep showing me Wayne Brady talking about being a pansexual. It's all well and good when people are brave enough to "come out" and explain what a lot of folks just plain don't understand but personally, I am long past the point of caring who other consenting adults want to consent with. (When I hear about pansexuals, I always think of a joke that the comedian Ed Bluestone used to do. He'd say, "I'm a quadrasexual. I'll do anything with anyone for a quarter.")

Anyway, good for Wayne Brady…but I think his messaging might be more effective if he delivered it as a hoedown. Or revealed it as being behind Door Number Three.

Lastly for now: The other day, I had a delivery dropped-off of someone else's dinner — all items that I shouldn't even have in my home, given my food allergies, let alone eat. Before I could complain to the company, the delivery gent phoned me and in a panicky tone, said he realized his mistake, would soon be back at my house with the right order and — please, please, please — "Don't report me to the company." Ten minutes later, he was back with the right supper and yet another plea to not tell the company. Okay. I didn't. But now do I tip the guy well for catching and correcting his mistake? Or do I tip him low for making it in the first place?