More About Mark's Bad Break #2

Thank you for the continuing flow/trickle of best wishes for my ankle to heal. A lot of them say "I hope you feel better" and actually, when I'm not walking on it, I feel fine. And when I do walk on it, it only hurts a little. The frustrating part is all the limitations on my movement…so many things I can't do.

Only a few people have ignored my wishes and sent me medical advice. A lot of folks have endorsed my belief that not listening to people who think they know as much as doctors but aren't one is a healthy choice on my part.

I mentioned here that one night in the hospital, they gave me a pain-killer which induced hallucinations and I asked one of my nurses if she was dressed as a gorilla. I received a few requests to elaborate on that experience and there isn't a lot to elaborate on. I was having a bad dream, seeing all sorts of bizarre things…and they're not hallucinations when you're technically asleep. Then a nurse came in to check on me and take my blood pressure and her presence caused me to wake up.

So I wasn't really asleep but I also wasn't fully awake. I was in that Twilight Zone between the two states and I wasn't sure if I was seeing her or seeing a gorilla…so I asked. She laughed and that told me I was awake and she wasn't a gorilla and that pretty much was that. Why was I seeing gorillas? I dunno. Maybe I read too many DC Comics in the sixties.