Saturday Morning

And I can recall when that phrase was synonymous with watching cartoon shows…

My pal Bob Elisberg writes to inform/remind me that…

…though the judgement against Trump was officially for $355 million, when interest was included, it's been reported as $453 – which is pretty close to that "half a billion" you noted in an earlier post.  (And the interest keeps accruing until it's paid off, even if he appeals.)

Yeah. I wonder if there will be many or even any Trump supporters who will say, "I'll donate to trying to put him back in the White House but not to paying off fines and legal fees for criminal actions." He seems to be doing a pretty good job of convincing folks that all of his legal problems are just ginned-up Election Interference against the man who used to lead his rallies in chants to lock up Hillary.

Changing Subjects: I got one (and only one) e-mail this A.M. from someone who said that I erred; that when they clicked on the video embed I said was a scene from Man of La Mancha, they instead got a rerun of Laraine Newman Hanging With Doctor Z. In 15+ years of video embeds here, I've only made that kind of mistake once and I knew it within minutes because I suddenly got 70 e-mails pointing it out.What it usually means when you see the wrong video is that you need to flush your browser. If you don't know how to do such a thing, this page will tell you what you need to know.

Changing Subjects One Last Time: I can't be the only Facebook user who's suddenly seeing dozens of posts of photos of women who are so beautiful and physically desirable that you suspect A.I. (or at least, industrialist-strength Photoshopping) has been employed.

These ladies all look approximately the same, they're all posing with and cross-promoting each other, they all have breasts the size of the Louisiana Purchase and most of their accounts are clearly the work of one person or agency. So what's the deal here? Is someone just phishing for info on anyone who subscribes to their feeds or is there something more nefarious afoot?