Today's Video Link

Readers of this site know well of my oft-mentioned loathing of cole slaw. Truth be known, there are a lot of foods I will not eat — some because of my many food allergies; others because I simply don't like them. And on my "Will Not Eat" list, there are some where I'm not sure. I just know they fall into at least one of those categories if not both.

I can though say with some certainty that my body loathes spicy or "hot" (in the sense of being spicy) foods. There are folks, including seemingly-sane people, who love such foods. I do not and my tummy does not.

So you will never find me in a situation like the show Hot Ones where guests are peppered with questions while gnawing on increasingly-lethal hot wings. I don't know why anyone would do such a thing but if John Oliver is going to subject himself to such torturous interrogation, I'm going to watch…