Have I mentioned that this thing is out? Well, it is. The Groo Maiden is a collection of four more Groo reprints from way back in the days when Marvel/Epic Comics was making serious money off comics like this instead of penny-ante, nickel-and-dime stuff like Spider-Man movies. The stories stories in this, our thirteenth collection, spotlight the non-edible love of Groo's life, Chakaal the Warrior Woman and the cover looks like that. For some reason, as I write this, the Amazon.Com listing is displaying a copy of the cover of the next of these paperbacks (The Groo Nursery, which will by out in July) with the title from this one pasted on it. I cannot conceive of any reason for that since this cover was done long before that cover but, with Groo, things happen for which there is no logical explanation. So I've learned not to ask questions about why odd things occur.
In any case, you can order this book from Amazon and if you go to their site by clicking on either of the links in this paragraph, we get a tiny percent of whatever you spend on that visit. Add this to the tiny percent we make off this book in the first place and you have two tiny percents which, added together, make yet another tiny percent. Just another mystery of higher mathematics.