Thursday Morning

Negotiations to end the SAG-AFTRA strike seem to have hit an impasse. I don't know anything about it other than in a situation like this, one should not listen to rumors. The irresistible forces on one side have clashed with the immovable objects on the other with regard to at least one issue — probably one that is actor-specific and wasn't addressed in the new Writers Guild contract. Eventually one side or maybe both will budge. Often, one side walking away from the bargaining table for a little while is a calculated move to intimidate the other side. They'll be back.

Today's Person I'm Glad I'm Not is Senator Robert Menendez.

I am now totally liberated from the company that for many years was giving me cable service and mucho grief. I even yanked some of their wiring out myself. I've been checking out various streaming services and I'll report here when I settle on one. If there wasn't a channel on Pluto — the app, not the planet or Mickey Mouse's dog — that runs Garfield and Friends 24/7, I'd be joking here that I want to find a service that streams Garfield & Friends 24/7. But they all do because they all carry Pluto — the app, not the planet or Mickey Mouse's dog.

Lastly for now: Someone asked me, by the way, if I get paid for all those shows I worked on being rerun endlessly on streaming services. The answer is yes and I'm thinking of taking all the money they'll pay me this year and treating myself to a Five Guys burger and fries. That would, of course, be the little Five Guys burger and the small-size fries but I can help myself to all the free peanuts I like. And right there, you see one of the reasons the WGA and the actors went on strike.