When all the current political chazerai is over, someone is going to write a book I want to read. It will be the story of the bizarre life choices made by a man named Rudy Giuliani who somehow went from being the most beloved, respected man in America to the least.
The Left hates him because he tried to steal the last election for Donald Trump. The Right hates him because he didn't succeed. He had a successful law practice but now he's fighting to keep his license and he's the target of a number of investigations and the butt of so many jokes. If his enemies had plotted to sabotage his life, they couldn't have done a better job of it than he has.
And I probably need to provide a link for those of you unfamiliar with the Yiddish word, chazerai. Like most Yiddish words converted into English, there are about ninety different ways to spell it.