This Week

This is another good week to not be Alex Jones — not that every week isn't — and it's turning out to be an exceptionally bad week to be Donald Trump. I am reminded of the line Chris Rock often uses: "There isn't a white guy in this room who'd trade places with me and I'm rich!"

As you probably heard, Trump and certain family members are now being sued by New York Attorney General Letitia James for allegedly running a ten year fraud scheme drenched in financial wrongdoing. The online debate I've seen so far is not about whether they're guilty. Even people who love Trump think he's guilty of a lot of stuff like that. The debate seems to be about whether and his lawyers will be shrewd enough to dodge the bullet, as they have so many times in the past. I suspect not but I wouldn't bet serious money on it.

For those of you who can't keep track of Trump's legal woes, Ian Millhiser of the website Vox wrote an article explaining Trump's major legal problems and Mr. Millhiser keeps updating it with new developments. He updated it today.