Later Sunday Afternoon

Finally went to sleep about 7 AM, woke up close to 1 PM. I have no idea why I couldn't sleep last night and no idea if what I wrote was any good. That's how it sometimes is when you do what I do for a living.

I was going to post the last "telethon" request for cash here today but I woke up to being within forty bucks of my goal and I decided that's close enough — so no more overt requests for donations here, at least until my hosting company sends me another bill next September. Thank you to one and all who donated…and if you didn't but want to, there's a little box in the right-hand margin.

And if you have money to spare and don't feel like giving it to me, there's also a box there for Operation USA, which I have found to be a most worthy recipient of donations. Read their site and see how much good they do with what you give them and how little of it goes to staff salaries.