Home Again, Home Again…

Do I even have to mention that The John Romita Sketch Book is a joy?  I mean, how could a book of John Romita sketches not be a must for any comic book buff?  Especially when they toss in a long, detailed interview.  Mr. Romita (and his son, John, Jr.) were Guests of Honor at the Wondercon just completed and, if not for the fact that I moderated panels and events involving them, I might never have gotten close enough to chat.  That's how crowded they always seemed to be.  It was quite a change from my first memory of John Romita (Senior), which was in the Marvel offices in the Summer of '70.  You would not believe the tiny, cramped workspace the company has provided for him. I was 18 at the time and I literally had twice the space when I sat and drew in my bedroom in my parents' house.

But he was sitting there, putting beautiful work down on paper for what I'd guess was not nearly enough money…and now some of that very work is up in a museum (see earlier item) and he's mobbed by adoring fans and admirers, some of whom are coughing up major coinage for his originals and prints.  And, of course, you're going to buy the book.

I'm back in Los Angeles, by the way, happy to be home.  I had a great time at Wondercon — as ever, one of the friendliest of all conventions — but it's always good to get back.  Today at the con seemed medium-crowded…less than Saturday but more than Friday.  Len Wein and I did a panel for ProCon called, "How Not To Be Taken," which started with us collecting twenty bucks from all attendees.  No, we didn't…but it would have made the point.  The panel mostly consisted of me reviewing our lessons here about Unfinanced Entrepreneurs and illustrating same with more examples.

I think that's about it.  Gotta go unpack…