An Offer I Can't Refuse

Just got this in my e-mail…

Save America President Donald J. Trump
The Only Official Emails from Donald J. Trump

Congratulations! You won a free Trump gift. CLAIM NOW >>


President Trump asked us to share some very exciting news with you.  Because you are one of President Trump's BEST supporters, he wanted to do something extra special to show you just how appreciative he is.

All you have to do is follow your personalized link below BEFORE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT to claim your FREE GIFT that President Trump picked out specifically for YOU.

Mark, YOU are making a HUGE difference in President Trump's efforts to SAVE AMERICA. This EXCLUSIVE gift is a symbol of his gratitude to his most LOYAL supporters, so please DON'T share this with anyone else.

Contribute just $12 right now to cover shipping and our team will send you your FREE TRUMP GIFT. >>

Although our Nation is facing unprecedented hardships right now, President Trump KNOWS YOU are the backbone of his movement. With YOU by his side, we are proving that our movement is STRONG, and we will WIN BACK our Majority this year.

Mark, our team will ship ALL gifts first thing tomorrow morning, so don't wait.  You have until 11:59 PM TONIGHT.

Contribute $12 RIGHT NOW to cover shipping and our team will send you the FREE GIFT that President Trump picked out for YOU.

Thank you,
Team Trump

Contributions to Save America JFC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

They don't say what the free gift is I get for my twelve bucks but I'm guessing it's my very own copy of a Top Secret document marked ORCON that lists the names and whereabouts of all U.S. undercover agents overseas.