Fast (Disappearing) Food


If you've always wanted to try the Koo Koo Roo restaurant chain, you'd better hurry. We've been predicting its demise here for a few years and — sad to say — it's coming true. Once upon a time, there were more than twenty Koo Koo Roos in or around Southern California plus a few in other states. Two years ago, they were down to 13 outlets in Southern California and none in outlying areas. Today, there are three: One in Santa Monica, one in West Hollywood and one over on Larchmont.

Not that long ago, Koo Koo Roo was acquired by a company called Magic Brands LLC, which also runs the Fuddruckers burger chain. Last month, Magic Brands filed for bankruptcy protection and agreed to sell most of its assets to a private investment firm called the Tavistock Group. The sale may or may not go through as some Fuddruckers franchisees are reportedly trying to block the transfer…but whatever happens, I doubt Koo Koo Roo will see palmier days. (The press release announcing the closing of ten outlets stated that the remaining three were still profitable and in no danger. We're skeptical.)

A number of restaurant-oriented websites are discussing what went wrong. Koo Koo Roo offered very healthful (and tasty) meals with the convenience and price points of fast food, and some are drawing the conclusion that it's this simple: People these days just don't want cuisine that isn't fried 'n' fattening. And it's easy to leap to that view since the new KFC Double Down is selling well. I'd like to suggest a simpler, more likely reason for the crash of Koo Koo Roo: Their food had become lousy.

I was a big Koo Koo Roo fan. They had no more loyal customer than me…but over the last year or so, I sadly gave them up. Obviously, I was not the only one. Their chicken, ostensibly the same recipe, had become tasteless. Their delicious side dishes all seemed like they'd been in the display case since my previous visit. It took me several disappointing visits to realize that I wasn't just hitting them on a bad day. Someone really had let the quality plunge that far. And I usually went to the Larchmont one, one of the three they say is still turning a profit. How bad was the food at the ones that went outta business?

That's about all I have to say on the topic. They used to have great meals and they were successful. Then they didn't and they closed down. That's what happened with Koo Koo Roo. Don't listen to anyone who gives you any other reason for their downfall.