Today's Video Link

Millions of years ago when I started this website, I had a whole section of it devoted to tips about Las Vegas — where to go, what to see, where to eat, where not to go, what not to see, what not to eat, etc. At the time, I was spending about an eighth of every month in that city owing to an interest in Blackjack, an interest in the history of "Old" Vegas and an interest in a showgirl there. The interest in Blackjack soon abated, the last remnants of "Old" Vegas disappeared and the showgirl now has a husband and kids, plus the huge hotel where she did her showgirling was imploded and replaced, of course, by a huger hotel.

So my recommendations all went outta-date and I removed them. If you might he headed to that town now, I suggest you check out the website for The Las Vegas Advisor, a newsletter I've subscribed to since it came in the mail printed on paper. A gent named Anthony Curtis runs it and what he doesn't know about that city ain't worth knowing. More important is that LVA is one of the few places where hotels, restaurants and shows get reviewed in a venue not supported by advertising bucks from the casinos. There's plenty of good, unbribed information on their site even if you don't spring for a subscription.

Also, among the thriving industries in Vegas is making YouTube videos wherein the host — usually, a local — takes you around the city and shows you where to go, what to see, where to eat, where not to go, what not to see, what not to eat, etc. There are a lot of people making these but my favorite is Norma Geli.

I do not know Ms. Geli but I find her a delightful and adventurous guide to the city in which she dwells. It still amazes me that in this era of cameraphones and computers and video editing software, someone can produce something as professional as she does.

She seems to post every week and she has close to a hundred videos on her channel. Below, I've embedded her most recent report for which she actually steels her courage and jumps off the top of the tallest hotel in the city just for us, her loyal viewers. At least, I'm a loyal viewer. Watch and you may become one too…