Kirby Acclaimed

CNN has two articles up about Jack Kirby, creator of The Eternals and an awful lot of other valuable properties. Some of us may live to see every single thing that man touched revived, dramatized, merchandised or otherwise make a heap of dough for its copyright holders and become beloved among new generations.

Roy Schwartz wrote an overview of Jack's life. And Brian Lowry writes about The Eternals and how it fits in with the amazing career of Mr. Kirby.

As you'll see, I was interviewed for the latter piece and my only quibble with it is the assertion that Jack's Fourth World comics for DC in the early seventies didn't sell. In this interview, you can hear Paul Levitz, former president of DC Comics, say that according to their files, the books sold decently.

No, they did not sell as high as some folks then at DC were hoping. Nothing DC published during that time sold as well as some folks then at DC were hoping. But they sold better than much of the line then and the reprints of them are now selling so well that one of the editors at the company said to me, "We wish we had a hundred issues of each title to reprint."