Cult Status

The Kino Lorber company issues a lot of great movies on DVD and Blu-ray and does a fine job restoring these films and packaging them with the proper extras. I'm one of those folks who isn't satisfied that a movie he likes is easily available for streaming. I like to own a physical copy and I am glad that there are companies like Kino Lorber that put films out for purchase. But I also like streaming channels so I can watch films before I decide to own them and Kino Lorber has just gotten into that business, too.

Beginning today, you may be able to get Kino Cult, a new streaming channel with what they call "cult" films. I'm never sure what that adjective means in this context and think maybe "weird" or "not for everyone" would be a better descriptor. In a way, I think calling something a cult film is like calling it a "guilty pleasure." Both terms to me mean the same thing: "This is a strange movie with lots of gore and/or sex and/or a bizarre mindset and I don't want to be judged for liking this kind of thing."

Personally, I don't judge anyone for liking something (unless it's illegal) and I don't fault them for liking things that I don't like or even things I can't conceive of anyone liking. And with that in mind, I intend to explore Kino Cult because they have an awful lot of stuff I've never even heard of. You might want to give it a look. It's available on Roku, Amazon Fire, Apple TV and other video-on-demand apps. Look over their offerings at this page and prepare to be really, really baffled at some of what's available.