Today's Bonus Video Link

Stephen Colbert has recently been hitting his guests with something he calls The Colbert Questionert — pronounced so the last word rhymes with his name. It's fifteen questions that are designed to…well, he says they're to enable him to better know his guests. I think it's a way to fill time and pretape segments that they can run when he takes a day off. But one of them is "You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life: What is it?"

I got to thinking how I'd answer that. I think I'd pick the last movement from Mozart's Piano Sonata No. 11, often known as "Alla Turca" or "The Turkish Rondo" — or maybe if the rules allow, I'd pick the whole sonata. In any case, one of my favorite renditions of the Rondo is the one recorded by the Canadian Brass. Here it is for those of you who can't take another video of the Flintstones theme…