Today's Video Link

Dana Carvey was on with Stephen Colbert not last night but the night before. Mr. Carvey did impressions of Dr. Fauci and President Biden — the first good ones I've heard of either gent. When I heard them, I had two thoughts, one being that Saturday Night Live has had a lot of folks who try to do impressions but very few as good as Dana Carvey.

And my second thought it that we're going to see a lot of good Fauci and Biden impressions now…but they won't be done by folks imitating Fauci and Biden. What we'll be hearing is impressions of Dana Carvey doing Fauci and Biden

This is a ten minute excerpt from Colbert's show but I've set it to start playing at the 4:30 mark where the impressions begin. If you want to watch the whole thing, just move the slider all the way to the left…