Today's Video Link

Do you know what a Bait Car is? In some areas, police use these things called Bait Cars to catch car thieves. The car is rigged up with a hidden camera and audio recording. It has a tracking device on it and in most cases, the cops can remotely disable the engine and lock the doors so the folks inside can't get away.

Then they park them on the street, sometimes leaving keys in the ignition or otherwise making them easy to steal…and they wait until they catch some rats in their trap. There are a lot of Bait Car videos online but this one is kinda funny. Can you imagine being the prosecutor who has to prove his case in court and you have something like this? Rudy Giuliani would probably blow it but no one else…

P.S. Yes, yes. I know this is a skit. But the real ones go a lot like this.