Letters, We Get Letters…

Got this about an hour ago and just noticed it…


President Trump needs your help.

The Democrats are trying to STEAL this Election and the Fake News can't be bothered to report on it. It's madness. The Left knows the American People want FOUR MORE YEARS of President Trump, and they just can't handle it.

We're emailing you now with a very urgent request. We need YOU to step up and publicly stand with your President. With your help, we'll send a RESOUNDING message to the Liberal MOB that REAL Patriots support President Trump 100%.

President Trump needs you right now, Mark. We're going to send him a list of EVERY supporter who adds their name in the NEXT HOUR.

Please add your name IMMEDIATELY to stand with your President and to DEFEND the Election from the Radical Left. >>

Hey, if the American People wanted FOUR MORE YEARS of Trump, he would have won the popular vote…something he didn't do last time, either. And maybe nobody's reporting on the plot to STEAL this election because even Trump can't seem to say where the stealing is, which votes have been stolen, who's arranging all this stealing, how they're doing all this stealing, anything. I once heard Bob Woodward speak and he said something like…

I always have people coming to me and saying such-and-such a politician is involved in some crime and I ask them, "Who told you this? What information do you have? What evidence do you have?" And they reply, "Hey, you're the investigative reporter! It's your job to find all that stuff out." In other words, I have this fantasy and I want you to prove it's true.

I assume they'll find some sort of irregularity somewhere. Trump is probably screaming at his lawyers to come up with something and they'll find some poll worker in Scranton who recalls seeing suspicious-looking men outside the polling place and that will be the proof of a massive conspiracy in every state Trump lost. But so far, even that ain't happening.