So we're now in the period when half the news stories you see are going to announce largely-meaningless statements and actions but present them as if they have now made a huge difference in the outcome of the vote…you know, like "Your candidate drinks lemonade, loses election." They'll also dredge up some tortoise in Ashtabula, Ohio who has successfully predicted the winner in every presidential election since Rutherford B. Hayes and it says Abe Vigoda has a lock on it this time.
I thought Donald Trump looked like an idiot on 60 Minutes. But then I've long since recognized that Trump can look like an idiot to me and like Jesus Christ (only wiser) to his base. I'll give the guy this: He's really good at giving his base what they want to hear. And they're real good at overlooking that which they do not want to hear when he says it.
Nice to hear from White House chief of staff Mark Meadows that "We're not going to control the pandemic." And why might that be? "Because it is a contagious virus." When did they figure that out? Is that one of those things Trump told Bob Woodward back in February and they've been waiting 'til now to tell us?
I'm running a backup program on my computer right now and it's reallocating resources such that my P.C. runs about as fast as I do, which is not too fast. Typing this is taking way longer than it should so I'm going to sign off for now. Happy Last Week before what could be Our Last Week.