Sunday Afternoon

I haven't updated the meter in quite a while and it may be off by one or two. Counting has been a little tricky because a couple of folks I know came off the list. They were offensively pro-Trump for a while and then they saw the light. Alas, their spots were taken by a few acquaintances who were non-offensively pro-Trump but as the chances of a second term have declined, they've doubled or even tripled-down on how he's the savior of America, hand-picked by God Almighty to rule us forever. And in some cases, gotten as rude as he is.

I suspect few if any of the friends I've lost understand that what came between us was not that they supported Donald Trump but that they got nasty and rude and insulting about it. This is mostly a personal matter, not a political one. I may even have to have a little chart of friends I've lost because they've gotten hysterical with anti-Trump positions.

So now it's all in the final weeks. I refer you to Nate Silver's article, "8 Tips To Stay Sane In The Final 15 Days Of The Campaign." Remember that all news coverage is ClickBait in some way or other and that nothing will get you to click like a headline that claims some sudden development may decide the election or has thrown all you know into doubt.

Remain calm. It's going to be a Roller Coaster not just until Election Day but perhaps for weeks after. This is normal. We need to remind each other of that since it's becoming harder and harder to even remember what "normal" is.