Old Business: Yes, my Amazon order arrived today at the proper address. I know you were all so concerned.
And back in this message, I asked for help with my Sony DVP-CX995V DVD Carousel Player — an antique model that holds and plays 400 DVDs. Mine had stopped working and they don't make them or anything like them these days. Many of you sent in suggestions for which I thank you…and I especially thank Mike Frank, who referred me to a local video repair company — George Meyer AV — who got it up and running perfectly again.
Over the weekend, I intend to use it to watch The Art of Love, a just-released DVD that I mentioned in this 2014 post and in this one from earlier this year. It's a 1965 comedy starring Dick Van Dyke and James Garner that I recall enjoying a lot in 1965 and I haven't seen it since.
Let's see if I like it in 2020. If you want to take the gamble that you will, it's now out on DVD (order here) or you can wait 'til I review it here in the next few days.
Okay…before I move on, is there any more Old Business? No? Well, then let's turn to…
New Business: So there are a lot of questions buzzing around. The Trump folks are refusing to be specific about how often he was tested, when his last negative test was and exactly when he first tested positive for that disease he said affects almost no one. Is there any other explanation for that secrecy other than that it would make him look terrible if we saw how many people — including maybe Joe Biden — he risked infecting after he knew?
And is there any other explanation for Lindsey Graham refusing to be tested other than the fact that if he was known to have tested positive, it might screw up the Supreme Court nomination?
I continue to track the polls by consulting The Economist, where they just downgraded Trump from having a 9% chance of winning the electoral college to 8% and his chance of winning the popular vote from 2% to 1%. If the polling has even a 1% margin of error, that means all of us are more or less tied with him on the popular vote thing. If you want to read how bad things have been lately for Trump polling-wise, read Charlie Cook.
I'm going to try for one of those Trump-free weekends I used to do here. I know I won't succeed but I'm curious as to what will force him back into the active portion of my consciousness. Let's see how long I can hold out.