Dispatches From the Fortress – Day 174

I'm going to try limiting myself to one Trump-related post a day. Today, it's this article by William Saletan. One of my long-held peeves — and I'm sure I've mentioned this before, not in reference to our current White House occupant — is folks who talk tough. As I've learned, talking tough and being tough are often two separate things and in my experience, most who talk tough aren't tough. They're just trying to scare others from challenging them or crossing them or somehow putting them in a situation where they would need to actually be tough. Because they aren't and they're terrified of being exposed in that regard.

On to matters that are happier to think about…

Tonight at 7 PM PDT, I'll be chatting online with Max Maven, a superb magician. There are some magicians who just dazzle you with their sheer skill. There are some who make you laugh. There are some whose performances make you think, often for long periods after you see them do what they do. Max checks all three boxes with what he does on stage. You can watch our conversation right here while it happens or come back later and watch replays-on-demand.

I'm lining up future guests. Just got a commitment from someone I really, really wanted but he can't do it until October. I've also had requests for more interviews of me and I'll schedule another one of those before long.

A lot of questions are coming in about the platform I use for these webcasts. When I started, many pandemic months ago, I looked at several options and selected Streamyard, which is one that a lot of webcasters are using. I use that for webcasting and Zoom for business-like private conferences. Since I decided on Streamyard, many new options have entered the marketplace and all the ones that were already there have done considerable upgrading…so I have no idea what I'd pick if I went shopping today. But I'm very happy with Streamyard.

I have a Zoom conference at 11:45 and I need to shave 'n' shower and pick out something nice to wear from the waist up so I'll be back here later with something to say. Assuming I think of anything…not that that usually stops me.