Speech Watching

I watched Joe Biden's speech.  I'm a believer that any political speech could benefit by being 25% shorter but that aside, I thought it was a good one.  If nothing else, it probably relieved a fear that some of his supporters have that the Trump folks could make the "Joe has dementia" lie stick.  It was a strong speech and a forceful one and it didn't go overboard in "attack" mode — a mission best left to others. I'm not convinced there are as many Undecided Voters out there as the polls say. I think a lot of those who tell pollsters they're undecided know how they'll vote if they do. They're just undecided if they can bring themselves to vote at all. Maybe.

Earlier today, I watched Barack Obama's speech from the other night. It seemed a bit stiff but he's still a great speaker. I'm probably wrong about this but he looked a bit worried for his country and in his eyes, there was almost a subtext of "I shouldn't have to give this speech. Joe should be twenty points ahead instead of just nine."

For what it's worth, Politifact found little to correct in Biden's speech. Somehow, I have the feeling it won't be that way with Donald's.