Today's Video Link

Two days ago in this message, I said: "I'm waiting for the commercial that the Lincoln Project group must be making even as I type this, probably featuring that quote of Trump's about ordering that the testing be slowed down. If you were running for public office, you'd pray for your opponent to say something in front of a camera that was as self-destructive as that."

And sure enough, here it is…

How could this be worse? Maybe if he'd said, "Slow the testing down! It's making me look bad and hurting my poll numbers and that's way more important than saving lives and actually getting rid of this damned virus!"

His handlers tried to say he didn't mean it; that he was just making a joke. It must be awful working for that man because he always undercuts his own people. Today, he was asked if he was joking and he replied, "I don't kid." It's starting to look like he's bet an awful lot of money on a Biden victory.