
I have a number of magical friends…folks to whom the mundane laws of science do not apply.  One of these is Charlie Frye who, with his lovely spouse Sherry, performs one of the best acts I've ever seen on a Las Vegas stage.  To say he is a juggler is like saying Château Lafitte-Rothschild is a beverage.  He's one of those entertainers who has a surplus of gifts: He not only can juggle, he does magic and physical comedy and has an amazing gift for expressive pantomime.  He and Sherry are not playing Las Vegas at the moment but when they did in the past, I'd go see them and grow impatient for the nude women to get off the stage so Charlie would come back out and juggle more Indian Clubs.  Then we'd go out to dinner afterwards and, in the restaurant, Charlie would juggle the plate and the silverware and the water glasses and, if the waitress looked light enough, the waitress.

He's a very funny boy and he's been doing this kind of thing all his life.  Recently, he put together a little "how-to" tape demonstrating a few of his stunts.  It's called Eccentricks and, while its intended audience is other performers, it's the kind of thing I'd have killed-for when I was a pre-teen.  If you have a kid and you'd like to inspire him to run away from home and join the circus, this is the tape that'll do it.  Surf over to Charlie's website where you can order a copy…and watch this space for info on the next time his act — Charlie Frye & Co. — plays Las Vegas.