Dispatches From the Fortress – Day 50

Welcome to the half-century mark of my isolation and possibly yours. We had a great tune-in last night for me interviewing Sergio and the whole thing is being watched in replay today. If you missed it, all you have to do is scroll down and it's on this page not far below.

Note all the friends of Sergio and/or me who were watching and commenting like MAD writer Dick DeBartolo, actress Jewel Shepard, voice artist Gregg Berger, Disney Legend Floyd Norman and the other two members of the Groo Crew, Stan Sakai and Tom Luth. See? We can still gather with our buddies. We just can't do it in person.

Tonight at 7 PM my time, I'll be conversing with the amazing Shelly Goldstein, not be confused with any non-amazing Shelly Goldsteins there are in this world. This one writes funny scripts and funny songs and sings the latter and also occasionally some serious ones. She won't be singing tonight but she'll be telling you amazing show business exploits. Tomorrow night, another pal…Bill Kirchenbauer. Then on Saturday at 1 PM (again, my time), we try to do one of our Cartoon Voices panels online. You should be able to watch replays later but I'll bet it's more fun if you watch live.

I've been having trouble posting the interview I did with Paul Harris on Tuesday evening. Somewhere along a slightly-complicated recording process, things got a bit outta-sync and Paul and I both look like a redubbed foreign movie. I'll figure out how to fix that and put it online as soon as I figure out how to fix that and put it online.

I still don't know how much more I'm going to do in the field of webcasting. I appreciate the requests for more but they're not yet coming from within me. This is not me being coy. I just find that at certain intervals of my life, I find it wise to sit down and discuss with myself why I'm doing something I'm doing. I occasionally decide that I don't have a good enough reason. I'm going to webcast a little more and then try to determine what, if anything, I want to do with this technology.

And yes, I know there's going to be a lot more of it in everyone's future, either as a producer or patron of content. If you think toilet paper's hard to find these days, go online and try to purchase a webcam. Scarcer than hand sanitizer.