Recommended Viewing

Have you got eleven minutes?  More important, have you got RealPlayer installed?  I just watched and would like to share with you the 11-minute resignation speech delivered by Robin Cook, the British government's highly respected leader in parliament.  He quit yesterday to protest Prime Minister Tony Blair's position stance on Iraq.

I have, as visitors to this website well know, next-to-no respect for the folks in Washington on either side of the aisle.  In fact, I tend to take the position that those who seem to have more integrity are merely the ones who haven't gotten around yet to disappointing me.  Maybe I'm so desperate for sincerity that I've fallen for a reasonable facsimile, but Mr. Cook impressed me.  I don't know that I believe everything he says in this speech (there's your link to the video clip) but I believe our political system would work so much better if its participants could deal in this sort of rhetoric.

Give it a look.  It starts slow, and some of you may disagree with his position.  But it's always worth seeing an argument stated with such eloquence and sincerity.