Patrick Galligan sent me this today…
Hi Mark, just wanted to run a question by you. I recently spoke to a friend of mine to inform him that I had bought a DVD complete series of I Spy! Boy, when I say I was not prepared for his response, it's a total understatement! My buddy ranted how could I support that rapist with my hard earned money?
I tried to explain I separate the performer, from their art, much the same way I would with a performer's politics, but you'd have thought I told him I was baking a birthday cake with a file in it to spring Bill Cosby out of jail. How would you explain it, or maybe you too hold that opinion? Am I wrong to say, what's in the library is not an endorsement of any bad behavior?
Well, there are two aspects to this question, one being whether you really can separate the art from the artist and enjoy the work now. Apparently, you can. I was never a huge fan of Bill Cosby the performer but I respected the work and recognized the joy he brought to so many. I was not likely to patronize much that involved him before we learned of his reprehensibleness so I dunno. If I was a huge fan, would I now find it hard to laugh at what I used to find funny? To look at him and be reminded of what he did? I might — which would be a perfectly acceptable reason to not buy it. Why buy something that doesn't please you?
As for the other aspect: If I could still enjoy the work, the idea that in doing so I would "support that rapist" would not have much impact on my decision. The amount of dough Cosby would clear from the purchase of one I Spy DVD set is probably inconsequential to him. Even after paying oodles of loot to his lawyers, he probably still has enough for that income to make no difference to his life. It might mean a little something to any less wealthy writers, producers, other actors, owners of the DVD company, et cetera, who were involved with I Spy and as far as we know, raped no one.
It was also, as I recall, a pretty good show. It deserves to not disappear because of something one of its stars did later in life. Enjoying it would not be an endorsement of anything done by anyone in the cast when they were off the clock.
What I guess I'm getting at is that this is a matter of individual choice. Your friend wants to boycott Cosby? Fine. You can not watch any show for any reason. As I've said here before, I don't think most boycotts accomplish anything more than to make the boycotter feel better…but that's not a bad thing. It's your decision and don't let anyone take it away from you or feel bad because of it.