The San Diego Convention Center — home away from home to those of us who attend Comic-Con International there every year — is now cosplaying as a hospital of sorts. As Mayor Kevin Faulconer tweeted…
The convention center is a centerpiece of San Diego's economy. During this pandemic, it will be a centerpiece of our fight against the coronavirus. Preparations are underway to temporarily use parts of @SDConventionCtr and all of Golden Hall to shelter homeless individuals.
As this news story reports, they're spending a lot of money to bring in cots and install showers and do all sorts of things to handle the emergency. I started to write some silly lines about how they should leave those in place for us and I should go down there and host panels but this is all too serious. Let's just say I remain skeptical that this whole virus crisis will be over as soon as some want to think.
And this is as good a place as any to deal with the question of whether Comic-Con will be postponed from its July dates or not held at all this year. Let me say this very clearly: As far as I know, no decision has been made about that and it won't be for a few more weeks at least. There's time to wait for more information…and more information can be a very good thing when it comes to making important decisions.
The rumor is going around apparently that the folks who'll make that decision have already decided to not do it in July. I believe that this is some outsider's speculation being passed off as an insider tip. It may turn out to be exactly what they decide but it is not true now that the decision has been made. Do we all understand the difference? I believe that when the decision is made as to whether to have it in July or not, you will not hear it as a rumor. You will hear it loud and clear as an announcement.